Breathwork Circle
for Your Group
I will guide a Breathwork circle at your event, team gathering or at your retreat.
It’s an opportunity to experience the power of Breathwork together with your friends at a location of your choice.
A breathwork journey is a wonderful way to make your event or retreat more special and meaningful for participants.
The journey may mark the beginning of a transformative personal development journey, as the state reached during the first journey may inspire a desire for more fulfillment in life.

How long will the breathwork journey for my group last?
The breathwork journey lasts 2-2.5 hours.
If you have specific requests, please let me know. Together, we can find a solution that fits you best.
Where will the breathwork journey be held?
Anywhere you prefer.
If you have a suitable space, I am happy to come there. Otherwise, I can offer suggestions for alternative locations.
What is the price for a private breathwork journey?
Contact me, describe your needs in more detail, and I will provide a price quote.
“Raimond led a transformative breathwork session during our retreat. Both I and many participants felt it was one of the highlights of the entire experience. The breathwork seamlessly fit into the final day of the retreat, allowing for the safe release of accumulated emotions within Raimond’s wonderfully held space. Personally, I have attended Raimond’s sessions three times already, and I can confidently say that breathwork is not just a fleeting experience but something we all occasionally need to support our mental, emotional, and physical well-being amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life.”

Elis Nikolai-Vendla
Nutrition Consultant at Toitumisnõustaja Plus
“The way Raimond was able to ‘melt away’ the group’s barriers and create a supportive and safe environment was truly astonishing. Laughter, tears, intense physical sensations, and emotional releases were present for all participants. Some delved deeper than others, but everyone looked profoundly within themselves. This established a solid good foundation and set the stage for the following days of the retreat.”

Liina Zapf
Entrepreneur, Yoga Teacher
“I really liked the first part of the workshop where Raimond talked about stress. It was a nice introduction to breathwork. The way he brought examples from a child’s level was interesting, and the way he reflected in general as well. Everything was easy to understand, and I got new ideas and good “reminders.”
During and after the Breathwork session, everyone experienced very different emotions. For some, it was confusion; for others, interest or joy. I felt a huge energy, joy, and lightness after the session. Overall, the team was happy with both parts. It was a new and unfamiliar subject for everyone, and no one knew what was happening. It was nice that all participants got to experience something, some more strongly than others. 🙂
It was all very special for me, and I immediately felt that it was something fierce that I would jump head-first into again. Raimond held the space for us beautifully, which is an art in itself!“

Emma Nyström
Talent Hub
“Raimond Feil visited Forwardspace to delve into the depths of Conscious Connected Breathwork. As conscious breathing plays a significant role in productivity from an entrepreneurial perspective, we discussed how to pay even more attention to be efficient while maintaining inner balance.
The topic of Breathwork also came up, through which it’s possible to release stress, tension, emotions, and other unnecessary things from the nervous systems that come with the busy schedule of an entrepreneur. The meeting was exciting, enriching, and very educational.”

Egle Volke
CEO of Forwardspace
Co-operation Centre
“Raimond created a very trusting space. The lecture was well-structured, and it was cool to see how he used the voice porosity technique while speaking himself. I liked that Raimond prepared us for what we might experience during the Breathwork. It provided confidence to know that you’ll come out of the session 100% by the end. Emotionally, it was a fascinating discovery of how beautiful allowing deep sadness can be. At the same time, there was such a great sense of happiness. It was great to experience those ‘aha’ moments when the well-known information clicks on a deeper level. It was a very well-guided and held space!“

Karmen Tigas
Talent Hub
“I enjoyed it very much in general, especially the whole lecture on stress. It was simple, logical, and a nice introduction to the journey. Everyone will learn something new, even if you think you already know something about the topic. Plus, Raimond has the necessary super calming and pleasant voice! The Breathwork journey itself was a powerful experience that I definitely want to repeat.”

Elis Seeland
Talent Hub