For me, it exceeded all expectations.
Madli Allikas – (Experience Story)
Yoga teacher
A week has passed, and I still find it hard to put it into words. LIBERATING
For me, it exceeded all expectations. The more the day goes on, the better it gets. I set an intention for more trust in myself during this Breathwork session, and the whole session was just that.

Raimond explains thoroughly all the necessary information to make the participant feel safe. There was great excitement and complete openness within me.
As well as all the good things that happen, the experience can also be difficult, as is always the case in spiritual practices. When Raimond told us that my arms/legs could cramp, I shrugged it off because why should it happen to me?
But it happened to me. It wasn’t a painful physical experience.
- Breathwork was difficult, but there was a woman beside me with experience, and her rhythm kept me going.
- A tear trickles down my cheek, but I’m not crying? Body getting rid of stress, how good!
- Strong vibrations in my hands and face.
- Can’t gradually move the area from the wrists to the fingers. No pain, but the arms are like stone figures – strictly straight. Raimond came to support me, guided me to breathe in a new way, helped me turn sideways, and created a 110% safe pathway for me to go into self-acceptance.
- Tears followed along with feelings. I’m the one whose hands are cramping. Fear made it worse, but trust made it easier. I chose confidence, and soon my body and mind released tension, and finally, it crossed my mind that I was carrying too much in my hands. I poured out all my feelings and kept breathing.
- By the end of the session, I was so free, totally zen, cocooned, with myself, more than I could ever be so suddenly amid the whirlwinds of life.
Finally, when I stood up, my whole body was pure. I was like a clean sheet for several days. My head is empty, I understand what I must do, where I must go, and what my future path and choices are. It doesn’t seem so complicated anymore. I felt super gentle for four days, and my chest felt like there was no chest in front of my heart, and my heart is just tremendously open. Sleep is super sweet, and to just think …
It was only the first time.
Raimond creates a space like a charm, is in the right place at the right time during the Breathwork circle, and guides people safely through their personal journeys.