16 hours of breathwork has changed my quality of life more than anything else ever has.
Daire Jahnson – (Success & Experience Story)
A Medic, Entrepreneur
1. Stress and burnout
2. I was stunned by all of it… I walked around for the next two days as if enchanted.
3. I wouldn’t have expected such an impact and change.
4. 16 hours of breathwork has changed my quality of life more than anything else ever has.
5. One of the saddest experiences of my life – grief (which has been with me incessantly for 13 years) has become one of the most beautiful experiences of my life.
6. My experiences are becoming more and more intense.
7. I knew I had to go deeper than before.
8. The quality of my life has changed enormously.

1. Stress and burnout.
A while ago, I burnt out. Several jobs, enormous mental stress, and health problems also began to appear.
I am family-oriented and a homebody by nature. It causes me stress if I don’t get to spend enough time with my family and at home. I always longed for the little things, like a quiet early morning on the terrace with awakening nature, a big cup of tea in my hand, or an hour on the sofa with a book.
I was utterly lost in this huge whirlwind. I was functioning like a robot. As my body gave more and more signs of deteriorating health, I made a cardinal change in my life and my activities. I am now slowly but steadily moving towards betterment and recovery.
On top of all this, there was one tremendously huge and painful suppressed emotion in me – unmourned grief. When this happened, I could not afford to grieve because I was expecting twins. I pushed grief away daily, thinking I would think about it tomorrow, let myself feel the pain tomorrow, and so on. It’s been years now, and it has just kept growing and growing.
I confess I went to Raimond with the hope that I could let go and get rid of it. Of course, I didn’t expect it to be a one-off, and I readily prepared that if nothing changed, I had gifted myself precious time with myself.
2. I was stunned by all of it… I walked around for the next two days as if enchanted.
Apart from all the physical sensations, I felt something (I can’t describe if it was fear or pain, but it was a very intense sensation) that squeezed itself out of me with tears. Only one thought was hammering in my head. Please come and help me out of this situation, please, please, please, and … Raimond was there, guiding me through it.
After a few moments, everything got replaced by an enormous sense of safety and gratitude. It felt like I was in a warm and bright cocoon somewhere. Despite having been a very loved child and having a wonderful and supportive family I have never (at least that I can remember) felt such a sense of safety and a sense of gratitude, such intensity of feelings. I experienced such strength and power for the first time in my life. A few hours later, I was breathing fully for the first time in a very long time. That sentence becomes profound when you realize you’ve breathed shallowly for God knows how long. Suddenly there is so much empty space and openness inside you to accommodate whatever new things and feelings come your way.
I’ve wondered jokingly why I ever studied psychology at university if there is such a thing as breathing. But jokes aside, it truly helps me a lot. As Raimond mentioned in the introduction to one of the Breathwork sessions, I am no longer triggered by the topics and situations that used to trigger me and on which I used to expend energy pointlessly. Most of my peace of mind is back again.
3. I would not have expected such an impact and change.
After the sixth Breathwork session (which was such a surreal experience), I went for a walk, and it was as if I had stepped into an Avatar movie. Everything was colorful, I could feel every fir branch and water droplet, and the environment was like in 3D. Sounds and smells were sharp and clear. It was like if I was in another world; my perception was incredibly vivid. It’s hard to put into words; you have to experience it.
4. 16 hours of breathwork has changed my quality of life more than anything else ever has.
Already after the first Breathwork session, I noticed significant changes. I must admit, those 16 hours of breathwork (I’ve done a bit more now) have changed my quality of life more than anything else ever. My thought patterns have changed; I no longer get triggered by things that used to make me upset, sad, angry, etc. Thanks to this, it makes it much easier to be calm and at ease
I now have a lot of space for new, beautiful feelings and thoughts. I am many times calmer, more balanced, and present. Yes, some old behaviors are persistent to leave, but now I notice them.
5. One of the saddest experiences of my life - grief (which has been with me incessantly for 13 years) has become one of the most beautiful experiences of my life.
Whereas before, I couldn’t even think about it without tears welling up in my eyes, now I can talk about it with a smile and gratitude. What can be more beautiful than being together and holding your most precious person, your mother, in your arms when she has to pass away? At that moment, when we are all alone anyway, I was able to be with her. I didn’t know how to think like that before; there was only sadness and grief. Now, there is a lasting feeling of gratitude and love.
6. My experiences are becoming more and more intense.
If I originally planned to go to a Breathwork session about ten times in a row and then more as needed, the more I went, the more I could go deeper. The trust in Raimond, the trust in myself, and the sense of safety he created gradually helped me dig deeper into myself.
At one session, my neck and back turned scorching hot (something that had never happened before), and soon I had a flashback of a very traumatic experience from about 3.5 years ago. This particular experience concerned my job, which I thought I had made peace with long ago.
After this image appeared, a tremendous fear came over me. I don’t even know if I have ever felt so scared in real life. In Breathwork, somehow, these emotions and feelings are so intense, vivid, and sharp. I was scared that I was going to get sick. And then suddenly, there was a lightness and knowing. They were like a couple of jigsaw puzzles that fell into place. They fell into a place where I didn’t know they were missing.
When my body finally calmed down and stopped shaking, there was a huge sense of lightness. I floated above myself like a warm mist. It was such a strange feeling, but I felt as if I was pure and transparent. It’s really difficult to describe these feelings; you have to experience and feel them, and only then do the words acquire meaning.
7. I knew I had to go deeper than before.
Because Breathwork has so positively affected me, I decided to face another emotion I had been suppressing for years. I knew I had to go deeper than before to be even more open and cooperative with myself. I also knew that, in this case, I would need much more support and attention than I could get in a group session. So, a private session, then? There was a lot of fear at first. Probably not fear because of what can happen to me :), but rather anxiety, hesitation, doubt, and uncertainty. … Two feelings were stronger than others: my trust in Raimond and knowing how much it would help me. And I was right. The sessions were more profound, more intense, efficient, and effective.
8. The quality of my life has changed enormously.
As I’ve mentioned before, the effects of Breathwork have been incredible – I’ve found so much joy, peace, space, and new interesting perspectives and thoughts. There are so many good emotions and new insights every day. And a hell of a lot fewer triggers. I laugh a lot more, and my quality of life has changed tremendously.
I am highly grateful for all this experience. What Raimond does, or to be precise, how He does it, the atmosphere he creates, and how he holds the space and us is wonderful.